

In Runtime
Wow, I am realy getting tired of posers...
Well, I was just wanting to know what every one else thinks of posers.
If I hear a couple good things, and people are interested, I will post my own thoughts.
not as many? I'm being called poser day by day! They say I wear skate shoes just to be "cool" and say I don't actualy like metal, that I'm to nerdy for that(i'm not even nerdy!?)...
Maybe if people actualy got to know me they would see that I realy do like skating, that I am a maggot, ect...
Sorry, I'm just going through a hard time right now...
You cant let stuff as stupid as that get to your head. Just tell em to **** off. The ppl who call other ppl posers are the real posers, cuz they are the ones who all they focus on is on what other ppl are wearing. Or, just make it seem like a joke. I did that when ppl called me a poser, but no one says it anymore really. No one cares. When you graduate high school and college, it wont matter at all of what you were called. Usually all the popular and hot ppl in school are usually the poor, fat unssuccessful ppl in the future.
well, they don't only call me poser, and all that... But the posers are the people that are wearing the stuff only to act all "cool"... The emo are saying they are trying to be "different" but they are all realy the same. I just do what I want, wear the skate shoes cause they are comfertable(mind my spelling), and I do skate every now and then...
But wow, I just checked my yahoo e-mail, and remembered why I ditched it... 200+ e-mails of harrassment. How did they get it in the first place?
And no, Power, the hot people in my school are seriously hot, and rich, 1/2 the people in my school are going to be able to become models, all of them were on varsity in only 9th grade, ect.
Don't matter. Its difficult to become a model and stuff. Usually they become fat and a nobody now. Trust me, that happens a lot. bill gates and stephen speilberg were LOSERS in school. Now they are all famous and stuff.
the power u would know lol :p u know im only joking...........o and i finished with the study guide and trust me no such this as this kiddy poser crap. its just one of those stupid fads in school.
Poser is mostly used by the skateboarding kids at our school. It was used ALOT last year, not much this year. At our school, if you just started to skate yer automaticly a poser. Untill you become good, and noone calls you it anymore. Ive heard goths say it too also. I think its just a dumb word to put people down.
I really don't care what people do or wear. Let them. The only time I hate it is when these people take it a step further and talk like they know what they're talking about like a person who dresses all skater tries to prove an actual skateboarder wrong when they don't even know how to skate (assuming the proof is something skateboard related).
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