Building my computer beast.

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Dude! I've seen that website and it seems OUTDATED!
Reading all the guides and talknig about this "Static" thing it looks scary to me am just a average 12 year old. Should i even be building it? :D
Seems to me i will be breaking things.
Am going to search and scan some websites seeing any good deals on a pre-installed computer ill BRB
Well, that pretty much tells you how to do it. You can base your decision off of that. It's not really dangerous as long as you aren't touching the hardware while it's connected to a power source; I'd be more concerned about damaging the hardware than hurting myself.
Yeah, hardware must be handled with care. Some people don't seem to care about that part so they use their dirty, greasy hands and touch the IC's and electical pathways on the circuit boards, then applies too much pressure to them when installing. I always hold the parts on the edge. Never on the surface, top and bottom. Hold it on the side and insert evenly, creating a snug fit.
OMG! Expensive little crap. I've browsed AlienWare and there gaming desktops are just plained BAD! There best one is about $4500 and it dosen't even have top components. There so noob :mad:
Am going to check Falcon now
ChaosPsychoGame, don't assume on younger peoples' typing skills! I'm 14, and I can type quite a deal faster than my librarian. You just need to practice some, and you'll be good. I average around 87 WPM at my school's typing program.

Sorry... I don't know what it is but I hate it when people complain/insult people about typing, it really bugs me.

And if you are going all out, listen to this guy (TRDCorolla). He knows what he's talking about ;). I don't know all the new stuff really (just built one but I used some older stuff because I, on the other hand, get no money support from my parents for such activities) so I got the best deals on stuff that was going out but was still good.
Well part of it is that it's constructed by "professionals", Alienware is an extremely reputable company, and you might even want to take the PSU into consideration. They also charge alot for their "silent liquid cooling". If you want an absolute top of the line Alienware, then you will be digging your pockets clean for about 10,000-12,000$. If you are unsatisfied with Alienware pricing, I'd recommend not looking at Falcon Northwest or Voodoo. Both are more expensive than Alienware.
Jamxx, didn't mean it insultingly (love my newly created word). I myself am 14 years old. Didn't really mean to base that on age. My bigger point was; he's moving from a 1999 comp to an FX-60. Just thought that was a bit extreme. I suspected something more like an X2 4400+ with a 7800 GT. But hey, if he can pull out the money for top of the line, why not?
Haha, oh, my bad. I thought you were saying it like, "Well... you're too young to type well so you're too young to succeed in anything" or that sort of thing. I misunderstood you! Sorry.

Good to know there's a fellow high-school teenager on here.

And yeah that's very extreme, I completely agree with you. But, hey, he's got it financed so why not? :D
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