Uncle Dan

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Because I'm the one who can't match the previous post. Right. You can't reply to what I said, so accept that fact. But how's about a proposition that ENDS this seemingly no-topic reply fest that is occuring. Just stop replying to me, and I'll stop replying to you. Thus all will be well and the thread can commence without our needless arguing.

Now I realise I'm putting myself into a position that would show me giving in, yet take this into consideration. Atleast I have the guts to propose somethign that would not just benefit myself, you, but as well as all those who look upon this thread. Now that right there shows that I am indeed not saying, "You win." Or anythign of that nature, but I have come to the conclusion that it's not benefiting you, or myself, or any of the members of this forum by having yet more unwanted arguing.

So how about it. End the arguing. And proceed to normal discussion? Or do you wish to still argue over this topic? The choice is yours...
Black said:
yu lik speeling lik ths? wuldnt tht hart ur i's?

Damn dude, you have been here for like 14 posts now. And each one is funny as hell. Good job man. You better stay here, lol!
1337DuD3 said:
Yes, I do dare that you aren't married, I DO dare that you aren't 20. Why? Because you're to stupid to be that age.

And how can I "knock up soem 18 year old" and "pop a bunch of kids out" when I'm not even sexually active? Hmm, riddle me that one Mrs. I can't spell Worth a Dime! And why would I want a kid? I never said I wanted a kid, I simply stated it was an enjoyable experience. The proof for that is within history itself!

And yes, I am a very good English studetn. Why? Because I read, a lot. It's proven that reading increases your brain size as well as your overall knowledge, along with, would you take a look at that(!), GRAMMAR!!! Obviously we can assume from your lack of vocabulary and your serious lack in spelling, that we can assume you don't read, have a small brain, thus concluding that you are, indeed, stupid, or unintelligent, whichever term you prefer is up to you, either way they both fit appropriatly. :)

You obviously started the arguement, which everyone can see back on Thread Page 1, so do not even come at me in the future with a, "You started it." Infact, if you're so-called, "20 going on 21" then why is it that you continully reply to a younger person's post? If you're of that age then you should at least be able to have the maturity to tell when and when not to reply to post. You're clearly not 20 years old, or if you are you lack a lot of the qualities that would show wether you are or are not. And from that we can conclude that you ARE NOT of that age. :)

Have fun reading this and trying to make your post seem larger by typing once sentence then hitting enter, as you still continue to do. From this point on I shall not reply to anythign you have to say as this thread, which its intent was to CONGRATULATE a person on being an Uncle. But you can't even state the word, "Congratulations." That's all this threads intent was suppossed to be. To congratulate someone on somethign good that happened to him.

But no, you and all your "maturity" had to ruin this thread by persisting on arguing over a nearly pointless topic. So hats off to you for making yourself presentable as nothign less then a liar, a selfish person, and that of someone who can, and shall never be, taken seriously. So once again, congratulations to you for being a complete and utterless idiot!

***opens the Champagne*** ***Cheers!***

I must say that this is a damn great post.
And athlon just honestly, shut up!
If u have some problems with children, fine.
I mean, u are allowed to have ur opinions, and u are allowed to tell other ppl about them.
But maybe u could try to express ur opinions a little better. No one want's to see some immature kid (be 20 or what ever but u still do sound like an immature kid) telling how bad thing it is to get a children and how much it will screw up ur life etc.
It's everyones own decision to get a child. And if they want it then it's good for them. And that's why we congratulate ppl when they get a child.

But yes, I've said what I wanted to say and tried to be quite polite (wouldn't hurt athlon to try) and I really hope that root didn't get upset because of some of the posts in this thread.
mammikoura said:
I must say that this is a damn great post.
And athlon just honestly, shut up!
If u have some problems with children, fine.
I mean, u are allowed to have ur opinions, and u are allowed to tell other ppl about them.
But maybe u could try to express ur opinions a little better. No one want's to see some immature kid (be 20 or what ever but u still do sound like an immature kid) telling how bad thing it is to get a children and how much it will screw up ur life etc.
It's everyones own decision to get a child. And if they want it then it's good for them. And that's why we congratulate ppl when they get a child.

But yes, I've said what I wanted to say and tried to be quite polite (wouldn't hurt athlon to try) and I really hope that root didn't get upset because of some of the posts in this thread.

Yeah, exactly. I mean hell someone hand athlon. Do you honestly want me to rant about how you screwed up your parents lives. I think not. So your opinions shouldn't be expressed at all. Because you almost always turn things into a fight..
you all are suckups to root. that's all. just becuase he's a mod.

suck ups!

go ahead and make mistakes in life, and regret them. ha ha! when the day come when you have a baby and no money, dont come crying to me. youll see when you only make 1500/mo and the baby costs 1000/mo and your rent is 800/mo and bills are 600/mo try living that way. even if you did make 2000/mo it still wouldnt not work out. And its very hard to make 2000/mo just starting out with no job experince! and no one is hiring anyone these days beacuse of tech outsorucing.

go ahead and make a bad financial desision to have a baby when you first start out in life. I dont give a rat's ass. go ahead and screw up your misreable lives.

and go ahead an live in the hood beacuse thats the only palce you can afford since you dont know how to manage your money to live in a nice place!

and saving up for a house is impossible with a baby since they will demand more as they grow up soon you'll be stuck in section 8 hell untill the kid is 6 and the kid will be made fun of since they have poor parents. And kids always got made fun of at my school is mommy was to young they will call her a whore and then make fun of your kids.

and mommy and daddy are going to get tired of babystitting! and if you have a father like mine with back and heart problems thats gonna be a BAD situiation. They cant take care of the kid while youre at work. They cant babysti while you go out. You will be tied down with nothing to do all day and night. And you'll be stuck in a dirty section 8 apartment that's falling apart and your baby momma is going to whore around for extra cash while your at home taking care of teh kid yourself.

and not have fun like I am and be care free no kids to worry about, no diapers to change, and no money draining kids to worry about so i can live nicely.

ans STFU about stupid babies this is a computer forum root should not have posted this in here. its personal business and he should have known

becuase not everyone likes babies, hell I know alot of people that have had them and they cant stand them!

and also my freind anne had one and she had to give it up for adoption since she couldnt afford it!

I also think the flaming is unneccisary. and specially bout my spelling. I jsut got my nails done and its hard to type with these acrylic nails. you try typing with fake nails on for the first time in 2 years and spell perfectly!!!

mabye you should ask me polielty why my spelling is wrong but I dotn care since you shouldnt make a big deal about it this is a forum not english/grammmer class. if you want to make fun of people for making spelling mistakes become an english teacher, however you should know that grammer is the thing of teh past for old ninnies who want to feel perfect. its fake as hell crap.

if you cant tolerate a spelling mistake then put your head back in your ass and STFU!!!!
root said:
Hey Y'all

Just thought I'd share in my good news... I'm now an uncle... well I have been since new years, my brothers girlfriend gave birth on new years eve,

The day before, I made several trips to and from Banbury to the hostpital to pick him up from visiting her after visiting hours were over, then again after he jumped in a taxi after her waters broke, but he couldn't see her cause she went to sleep, then again after she went into labour.

After i took him in after she went into labour, I spent the rest of the evening sleeping in my car in a morissons supermarket car park, before he woke me up (again) to tell m that she'd given birth, although I tried to go to the hospital it wasn't visiting hours.

Later that day I went to liverpool for new years eve! (had a great time), by the time I got back visiting hours were again over...
but on monday I finally got to see my neice whilst I was on my way back to where I live in Bristol...

I now have a cold, (brought on by not enough sleep and trying to sleep in the cold, and over excess on new years eve!).

Hopefully some photos will be coming soon. :D
I offer my congratulations too, & of course, to the proud parents. I couldn't understand why that "things" remarks weren't deleted when she was given 5 days, I've put that right now, cheers uncle, where's my cigar??
<--mom, dad & the baby, [uncle's somewhere sleeping it off!]

Sorry to post in a locked thread, but I can and so I have...

Firstly, Athlon64x, yes personal thread, but then you, exactly how many personal threads/posts have you had? we all know how you used to work for dell, we know you're maried, we know you're in your 20's, we know that you practise safe sex now, we also know you're pro choice, we know your views on teenge pregnancies... if you can tell us Oh so much, then why can't I share in something I see as news... (note I didn't say good news)...

You see, the long and the short of it is, I agree with a lot of the things that she has said,

this girl (my brothers girlfriend) is only 18, she's only, she is only a kid herself, and I do think it's a little crazy that she now has children...

That said, she's (and my brother) have both done their college courses, they are both qualified, they both work, and they have a place of their own, they don't live at home, in fact she lives a hundred miles or so away from her parents.
it's their happy news, and an addition to my family, why shouldn't I, (and whoever else wants to stray slightly away from computers for a second, to sit back and see this child?).

if you don't like it you don't have to post,
also, don't think I'm stupid, it's not like I have any kind of brownie points system, and nobody wishing my brother, his partner or their child any luck is going to do anything for me, (or them) here...

aside from spreading a little happiness.

anyway... as far as I'm concerned this thread can die for a while,
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