Aquarium Screen Saver...?

Half Evil

Golden Master
Well my problem is simple (meanning straight forward).

What i want to do, is take the Aquarium Screen Saver, from my moms laptop, and put it on my computer. But, i think i found the file in this location: C:/i386. Is that the right location. And if so can i just burn the files to cd, and put them on my computer?
I tried doing this samething, transporting a theme from my computer to my mother computer. It saved the theme, I think you save it by selecting the theme then Save As... then you save it to your Network, or a floppy, then transport that file to the other PC, and try to run it. When I ran it it said something like "Can not find xxxxx file" or somethign liek that. Maybe you'll have better luck then me with that. I also tried their, "Get More Themes" and well just let me say that it's full of crap. They charge you for the themes! EVen the ones you already have! So just try getting it from somewhere else or try the Save As... and transport the file via the netowkr and see what happens.
Why not just download it straight on to your computer from

Or what you can do is download the installation file on to your moms then burn it over. if it is in a zipped or exe file that should be ok.
Well as this is a screen saver from microsoft, i didnt think any sites would have it. BUt ill try that thanks.
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