More then one David?!

Half Evil

Golden Master

Man, how did this happen, i mean where did they come from, lol?
Well i mean there admin's, like david. I thought he was the only one, because he owned's the site, unless they like... bought stock or something..
-_- A Bit behind the times eh, Arrizx?

The one is Zane, A friend of David. And Matrix has always been there. I don't think thats a person though
God knows what would happen if the bike wasn't pumped up. Last time that happened the cold war started.

Yeah, Governments good at covering stuff up =\
ESPESCIALLY chicken! Man that was crazy last time they didn't, I could swear they were running around letting the Bin Laden family safely leave the U.S in planes during the hours after 9/11, and then to say that Suddam had WOD's, man you see what cold chicken can do to a man??? That's why you always make sure your cats turn ON your stoves after you leave, and make sure they hack your xbox 360 to server monitors for breakfast. Oh yea, and another good tip for seeing two Davids is to calculate the radius of the smiley faces and multiply that by how ever many commas are in this sentance, hence the theory of relativity. :eek: That was a long one!
Zane posts once in while and I belive that him and david have met in person and he was made admin. Never seen matrix though....
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