Physics Processing Chip

You never know what those videos really are. For all we know, they could be pre-rendered CG videos. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are, but I'm saying that you never know if that's what the PhysX really does.
alvino said:
You never know what those videos really are. For all we know, they could be pre-rendered CG videos. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are, but I'm saying that you never know if that's what the PhysX really does.

That is true. But I trust that those videos are infact rendered using the PhysX PPU chip. It just doesn't make sense to demo a product that you didn't even use. I mean this is a new kind of PPU chip coming out, so I don't see a company potentially destroying its reputation before the product even debuts.
Hey, you never know...some companies like to build up the hype. *COUGH* Sony *COUGH* Killzone PS3 E3 Demo *COUGH* Ahem...sorry about that. :D Yeah, back to what I was saying...some companies like to build up the hype so then they can build up a big enough "fan" base, although it's a somewhat good tactic, it's REALLY important that they deliver what they hype or they're screwed like some companies *COUGH* Sony *COUGH*

Oh boy...I need a drink of water...
Yeah, I've heard of them, in fact, the Nintendo Revolution is rumoured to have a PPU.

Although, that would make it really expensive (against Nintendo's policies) and so probably won't happen.


oh please its nintendo they'll put a mario sticker where the ppu was goign to go and same they have a ppu.

When do the ppu come out, im thinking of getting one, once i do i bit more research.
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