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Anyone here think I should i be moving house?

According to streetmap I live less that 500m (perhaps 400m) from these incidents.

then there is also
and - That one's about 200 meters away, I walk past that pub on my way to the gym... Ironically enough that pub has a sign up warning drug users that drugs are not tolerated!
this happened about 200 meters away walking the other way from my house...

I dread to think that I'd find if I search back further than two weeks on the BBC News site...
all of these incidents are 1000 meters or less from my front door...
It's crazy because some evenings you think the TV is too loud... so you turn it down only to find that the police sirens are outside...

I adopted a cat from the rescue centre before, the RSPCA people wouldn't come out to do a house inspection at night because they don't like the areas...
I had problems with Gas before, 24hours emergency support offered by british gas? not round my parts!!
Oh and despite tescos being very very close they don't deliver to this neighbourhood... I had cable TV installed, except it had to be in the middle of the day because it was winter, and they won't come in the evenings when it's getting dark...

And yet...
I like living here... Is that crazy?

So thoughts... Am I crazy to actually like living in an area like that...
whats everyone else's neighbourhood like? and what do youthink of your areas?

For a bit more of what my areas is like search for "St Pauls in Bristol UK"
yeah..every city has it's crime rate, no matter where you go..there will always be some sort of crime, but that is where neiborhood watch comes in handy.

it's when everyone in your local area watch eachother's houses for suspicious behavior.This can be affective as when your not home, some one will be on guard.

Also department stores are starting to do the same in high crime areas..
Bristol is well dodgy, and I know somebody who honestly felt completely unsafe in Nottingham even though they themselves are a law abiding citizen.

Isn't St Pauls well known for blingy "yo yo yo" style gang killings? They give themselves gay names like "The Johnson Crew" (from Birmingham).

I'd say let these idiots destroy each other. They think guns etc. are cool, but they don't seem to understand 35 years minimum in jail for a gun related murder isn't. Apparently, most gangsters give it up when they're inside, makes them think.
i dont live far from bristol :)

although you been back to brackley lately root and seen the ammount of chavs there?
ive just moved to a little village in the middle of nowhere, from harlow, and theres still loads of chavs in their crap cars racing around... its stupid... chav scum...
yes... I'll be going back there at christmas to catch up with my old mates and everything.

perhaps I could try to persuade some gang land killer to come back with me... and clean up that chav situation???
You get chavs racing round St Andrews in souped up crappy cars. If you're not a student, there's nothing else to do except drink yourself into oblivion.
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