screenshot of media player

whenever i make a screenshot of windows media player, and i paste it like anywghere, i get a black screen of windows media player, like i dont get the video, so what is the haps?

and is there a solution
Idk, I tried and like i open it up w/ Photoshop, and like if its a Movie, It plays in Photoshop... Like wtf, IS there away? I also would like to know? Or is there anothe program that would allow me to do this?
When he says copyright he means that you cant take screenys of that program...because of copyright laws, doesnt matter if your gonna sell it it wont let u.
Basically, your graphics card doesn't support taking a picture of something it's already playing kinda thing. You just can't.
I juts tried it out and the wierdest thing just happend. I took a screenshot of divx and pasted it into paint. Didnt close divx down and when i pasted it it the film was still running in paint. even weider the screen would only show the pic in paint if it was xtactly over the top of divx in the background. took another screenshot of the paint and it happened again. closed divx and the screen went black. never mind back tot the drwaing board
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