Crap day for me!!!

Hear this: you see why wearing these things helps? Now, your turn to act safely.

Robso, with your security, your life was saved. I'm proud of you man! Get well soon! :)
Lol, need i name all the cool people here, haha, u all know who u are, well at least i think so.. haha.. said:
Yepo!!! and to make matters worse, i have to go back to hospital tomorrow so i can have more x rays!

Haha, you mean give the hospital more money? ;) said:
Crap Day

Well, i got up at 8 (saturday) worked solid till 6.

On the way home, i fell of my moped going 30, and i have:

Broken my thumb
Got a puncture wound in my arm, (thats a hole!!!)
Torn the ligaments in my knee.

Now i can barely walk, move my arms or use my left hand!

could the day get much worse?


I get back from hospital and see the state of my motorbike, needs a serious repair job! good £200 worth.

Go to my computer, realise i can only type with one finger!!!

However i am stil alive!!!


WEAR A HELMET!!!! Saved my life today!!!

WEAR GLOVES!!!! Luckily i was, otherwise i wouldnt have any!!!

WEAR JACKET!!! If i didnt, the puncture wound would have killed me!

Beleive me! It makes a big difference when it happens to you.

shiz man, how long did it take you to type that?
:p took ages!!!! one hand instead of two!!!! I havew woken up this morning and everything hurts!!!! i cant move my right arm because of my puncture wound starting to heal and going crusty, i can use my left hand, cant walk properly!!! hahahhaah!!!! o well, thats a risk you have to take in life!!! Well worth it for the experience....this post has taken me about 10 mins!!! :p
simple answer... dont use hairdryers! their useless, and dangerous (as youve found out...) buy a car! much safer... and if your 16, use a bus or something... mopeds sound stupid, are crap, and go about 30MPH tops... ( and also, im learning to drive, and they annoy me sooo much when im driving, going along on a 60mph road, with a hairdryer infront going about 25...)

/rant (stupid things!)
alvino said:
Haha, you mean give the hospital more money? ;)

Behold the magic of the NHS! Us Uk dont need to pay anything for going to hospital, seeing a doctor or anything! Its great! Well not really...Our taxes are through the roof

If your earning over 40K a year (I think) you have to pay over 40% tax!
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