Even more help - sending user options

can anyone help me, I'm desperate, sure, the coding that root gave me is great, but can anyone tell me:
(a) Whether it is completely correct (he mentioned that there may be some errors)
(b) If I need to create a database for it (and if so how)
(c) How would I get the code to work, are there some things in it I need to change (such as location of database etc etc)

to work with that code sample,
You need to create a database in access called mydatabase.mdb

inside of the access database you need one table called questionnaire.
this should have three columns, Name, (text) gender (text) and site (text).

I suggest that you put in some test data, perhaps a few rows of expected reuslts.

you should save this into a folder called database in your account,

you need to change the line in the text where it says USERNAME to actually be your username for the site.

that answers questions b and c, (create the database using access and change the username part of the code).

Now I suggest that you check the pages, it might be best to start with the results page to see how you get along returning the test data you expect, then try to submit results to the database.

Like I said before though, without a clear idea of what you actually want to do there isn't really anything that i can do more to help you with...

unless... Hmmm... watch this space I have an idea.
back... I would have been quicker but I had to make sure it was bullet proof...

I'm opening a mail porthole, anyone who wants to have a mail service for feedback etc on their site should feel free to use it, it works by a very simple process...

Firstly you create your webform with the fields that you want on it. then you send me a PM asking me to add you as an allowed emailer send a username that you wish to use with that form, then send an email address you want things to be delivered to and them send me a list of the input fields on your website...

send it to me in an XML format like this,

you can have as many fields as you like. name the file whatever yuo put in the name field with the exrtension .xml

then add a hidden field to your existing form with that username as it's value and change that target of the form. to be like the example below...

<form action="http://www.kathulu.co.uk/mailer/mailer.php" method=post>
<input type=hidden name=account value=root />
<input name=f1 />
<input name=f2 />
<input name=f3 />
<input type=submit />

You have to complete the part about filling in the XML sheet and seding it via PM because I don't want to open a service that is open to abuse by spammers,
you can't email more than one address because again I don't want spammers to use it.

this doesn't answer the questions about databases, but it did give me something to do this morning, and fulfils the original requirements!
wow, you are great root, I'd love to give you a rep point, but I can't :(
I'll try that email thing of yours, thanks :D
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