Wow Will We

I wouldn't want to live to be that old. sure some ppl live to like 100 but there quality of life sucks. can't move very well, everything hurts... Plus everybody around you dies(all your friends).
Yes and not mentioning that you don't do as much as you did. I think you:

watch TV then fall asleep
become a veggie
watch TV then fall asleep
become a veggie

Life would be boring for them
There was a thing on the news about this. Suposedly there are things in ur body that will keep u living longer they just arent all active. They were saying a possibility is that those are just used for when you get a bad wound such as a gunshot. Thouse would become active helping u stay alive a little longer. Scientists have been able to triger those things in animals and they are gonna try on people. I cant remember all the details but it was really interesting.
I think thats what that guy is talking about. We would just age much slower i think so u would be 20-25 for sumtin like 50 or 60 years(math is prolly wrong). That would be awsome.
it would be really cool, but living that long, its not gonna happen. eventually your body will become immune to these anti-age thingos, then you will age 50 years in 5 days and then it will be happily ever after...(im kinda over exagerating of course)
Well it's definately going to happen. I'm just not sure if it's going to happen while we are alive.

And there is many ways of doing it. Like ChuNalt787 said we could just activate the things that help us live longer. I've also heard that nano-technology could be the answer. Having tiny tiny nano bots that they inject into our body and then the nano bots go around and fix damage done to our cells etc. And when all of the cells stay healthy we stay healthy because we are made of cells. And aslong as the cells stay like they are (no damage, 100% effectiveness) basicly so will we. So that is one possibility, but then again I'm not a scientist so what I just said could be an impossibility, but I've heard about it somewhere.
i realy wouldnt want to live that long

the forces of nature, life are as they are for a reason, who are we to mess with the balance

we have ruined this planet enough so our children are going to have to hard, why would you want to carry on living through it with them?

on the plus side i would like to see who dominates mars first, and which country is the first to ruin another planet
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