Fastest search Algorithm


Solid State Member
I have a list of around 10000 algos.
There are lot of search algorithms available
Which one is the most efficient one to use.?
Why is it more efficient?

Help me out!
Well, that will depend on the type and number of records to be searched as well as the access method and whether it is direct from a disk file or a buffer in RAM. It will also be dependant on the layout of the data file, such as binary tree, linked list or flat ASCII file. Usually, for most small data bases hobbyists are involved with, it doesn't make much real difference except for educational purposes. The real advantage to one over the other comes as you increase the size of the data searched and the number of searches made. I hope that these generalities help you see that there isn't one specific best answer to this question in all cases. As a generalization, it is usually most efficient to save data into a properly formed binary tree and search accordingly. Google around a bit and you should find several excellent tutorials and articles. I hope this helps.
Different algorithm have different ways of searching for something. Some may be better suited for certain situations than others.
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