Drug Bust

TopWeb said:
Pot doesn't do anything like that to me. It gives me a responsible high. I know what I'm doing & I like it
yeah wait till you smoke it for 5 years and get caught buying it a couple times.....you'll wake up
Just to clear up my other post..........
I'm not trying to promote it at all.
The only reason i did it is because i wanted to know how it feels like.
XD That wasn't an oxymoronic statement at all.. "It gives me a responsible high" Thats rich XD
TopWeb said:
Tommy Boy I appreciate your concern but I won't get caught ;)
I don't care about you. I'm just stating the facts. drugs lead you knowhere.
teenagers....so naieve (sp?) thinking they won't get caught.....heh thinking pot is all good, it has no harmful effects on you. it's all bs and it makes me sick
I've seen that, its run by the US government. What do you expect to see there? See wikipedia or some unbiased site. And pot isn't entirely harmless, it just isn't very harmful. Ofcourse even coffee is harmful in some ways.
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