Did You Know??

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and get this,
The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card!
and to top it off, here is a strange law,

In Memphis, Tennessee, a woman is not to drive a car unless a man warns approaching motorists or pedestrians by walking in front of the car that is being driven.

i gues they forgot to change that one.
sorry, i will remember to collect all of my thoughts and post them in one post in the future.
did you know i had three facts and posted them in three threads?
did you know it got frowned upon?
did you know i lmao.
Did you know there is a handy feature next to the quote button called edit when you think of something else to add to your thought when no one else has replied yet?
did you know that "putting your peneth worth in", means entering into a coversation between two others? and therefore becoming a bit annoying.
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