Did You Know??

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Hehe, some of these are funny.

Did you know that you could see an IMAX projectors light from the moon?

Did you know that the world's first colour television transmission occurred in John Logie Bairds English studio back in 1928?

Did you know in the States the largest proportion of the Television audience consists of of pre-school children.
On average their weekly viewing works out to be about 30.4 hours which means by the age of 17 they would have amassed as much as 15000 hours of television watching. Surprisingly this adds up to a staggering two years of solid viewing?

Do you know how many people are online today in the world?: http://www.nua.ie/surveys/how_many_online/index.html ?
Lol, I didn't know any of that! And any ideas I had about the amount of people on the internet, it wasn't anything that high! Just think; 550 Million of those 600 Million are using Windows :D 450 Million paid for it; and at around $80 a version; Microsoft made $36 Billion from them!
hehe, kewl huh?

Do you know that you are never safe.
Even sitting infront of your computer is unsafe, and that almost quadrouples if not more when you enter the outside world?

It is only the fact we have routines that keep us reletivley safe.
Have you noticed that its only when someone changes there routine that something bad tends to happen?
I knew all that :D Although I don't agree with the latter - I don't have a routine and I'm always fine :p I actually get up at 5:30 in the morning some days, 7:00 others, and 16:00 some other days :D Completely at random, and sometimes I'll go to bed at 3:00, and others - 23:00! The life of the unemployed seeking work eh... lol :p
Okay, should I say some people :p

Some people need routines to stay above things, as they know where they are going now. Without them, some people get lost :D

With me, I tend to get lost when listening to music, because my mind focuses on the music, but loses hold on everything else.
Same... well, it depends on the music. If it's classical, I acutally do better sometimes with my work than without. But, if it's like rock or something, I can never really concentrate... especially with my sound system... :D
Yeah :p Usually its when I'm listening on my personal music player and walking or cylcing around where things get a bit...funny, and I suddenly think, "wait a minute...wheres this place?". Hehe, okay, it isn't that bad, but yeah!

As for listening when on the computer, I do find it hard to do work usually, yes, but don't really figure it out unless I'm doing work in Uni (College at the time) and notice time slipping past more.

Did you know, I want them speakers? :p

Did you know you are going to hand them to me and I'm going to give you my Creative 2.1 set? :D
Did you know that I had a s***load of homework to do, Was dead tired after an emotionally draining day yesterday, then laid down for a 1hour nap.

Did you know that one hour nap lasted until 5:30 in the morning and I have no homework done (This is three days straight now)
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