OMG!!! Look at computer forums!

Yep, i've posted on the Comments and Feedback :p

The logos going to change now I think.
I've noticed a few, but these are possible to change right? Or is it the new advanced version not allowing some of the older features? :(
hmm I dunno, Somehow I liked the old one more. I like simple things...
But this is fine too. And I know I'm going to like it more when I get used to it.
I noticed this comming since when I tried to come here it said updating, so I knew what was going on.
Are we going to keep with the Horizontal Postbits or go back to the Vertical ones? Because personally I prefer the Vertical ones :D

But other than that yeah, it does look pretty damned good. I'm still up to helping with any style problems if you'd like. Like if you want to keep the old goto buttons that are on the Nav Bar now, I can sort that out for you. I'm on MSN if you'd like ot ask anything to!

It looks good! :D
Guys hold of a second, A vbulletin upgrade needs to be tweaked etc, Give David some time to sort it all out ;)

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