Breakfast Time


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I just made waffles and it inspired me to make a poll!! Aren't you all happy!? I am

What do you like to eat for breakfast? If you picked other, explain what it is!

Normally when I eat I make my own stuff, Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, The whole shibang lol
yesterday I had pancakes, with whipped cream, maple syrup and strawberries...

today I had a pork pie whilst driving to work and smoe coco pops once I'd gotten there.
I'll ussually have a bagel if I can..

If I'm working, like today, I'll have something at work..

I'll make myself something with chicken likely.. like a chicken wrap.. but I don't eat that till like 12, so its more like a brunch.
I usually have Cereal and a cup of tea or some kind of juice at about 7 on a uni day

This then lasts me until dinner at about 5-6PM, so miss Lunch out.
Kage said:
This then lasts me until dinner at about 5-6PM, so miss Lunch out.

You mad? :D

I live my life according to mealtimes (especially at Uni), with some munching in between :)
I don't always eat breakfast, and sometimes I do'nt even eat Lunch as well untill it's almost supper time.. so yeah, I cna't really say what I usally eat for breakfast because more than 50% of the time I don't eat anything in the morning.

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