Your dream car

Woo, the Delorian :D I love the look of that car!!! That seems great to drive too.
Back To The Futures amazing...
spank_fusion said:

"Hey...Doc, where are we going?"
" the future!"

Gotta love the unfinished stainless steel look, it'll never rust anyway.
I wonder how much you can buy one of those beauties for :D I might get one! You've got to love the Gull Wing doors... :)
I searched on Auto one has any to sell :(

Hehe, after passing my driving test though, I'd love to get in one of those and re-create the scene where that volkswagon is chasing the DeLorian. I'd be scared to go above 85mph :p

They just seem super!

Oh, and I'd also have to MOD it of course with all the gear the guys from Back To The Future put on it. That just finishes the look, doesn't it.
I was using Maybe thats why?

I searched for it though and even put ANY price and ANY location, and got nothing...

How much can you get one for then? :D
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