waste of time and money?


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so the NASA administrator thinks that the last 30 years have been wasted...
space shuttles are pointless, and that by 2018 , the next (or first if you believe consipiricy) moon landnig will be done using a rocket and a pod, remarkably simillar to the apollo crafts, which were abandoned 35 years ago.

well there it is...
what do you all think?
They dont seem to do anything do they? Im looking forward to the moon landing though
Hmm yeah, very weird...

In a way though, what would the moonlanding prove? Nothing really...

Should be good, but it won't prove anything, as people might think its a conspiracy again, hehe, plus, if they've already done it as they say, whats new that robots couldn't have found?

Space is just too vast. There is no real way of going the right way about anything anyway.
I think other countries like Russia and China are developing faster than here. NASA is filled to the brim with red tape and safety freaks. Other countries understand that you can't do that if you want to get any real research done. And yes, NASA has wasted lots of time and even more money.
I don't think space exploration is a waste of time and money - it's exciting and fascinating IMHO.
i have to agree on the robot thing and all, but there are some really cool and interesting ideas in the popular science magazines. (my fav by the way)

but will they ever deside to put these things to use, and when it comes down to money, the answer is pretty much the same...no.

unless it benifits them, and them meaning the government or the army.
malbuc87uk said:
I don't think space exploration is a waste of time and money - it's exciting and fascinating IMHO.

I'm not saying space exploration is a waste of money; I'm saying NASA is wasting a lot of money on pointless stuff.
I agree that the international space station doe seem like a waste of time, I mean it's not going anywhere...

but it will push forward the available boundries of scientific research in space. I guess it's all a question of priorities.

However, I was told the other day, (though I can't see any evidence to back it up)...
whilst America was engaged in the space race, spending lots and lots of money going to the moon...
t also saw the hundreds of citizens die in Vietnam, and the formation of some of the worst ghetto neighborhoods in large amercan cities, these te formation of these ghettos can be blamed largly on the lack of public funding for quality housing for the citizens of America.
What they need to make is a gravity maker for space. Because one thing that would stop me staying somewhere in space is the fact that your always floating, and after a while, your bones, etc weaken because they have no use to support you.

So, they need to do something about that...if it was possible, that is.
I agree. NASA is too worried about safety. If a shuttle blows up and 10 poeple die every few even months. Then its part of exploring the new froniter. We had a debate about this, and my point of view was how many poeple died going to the west. THE answer thousands maybe even millions. Was it worth? YES!If you go into a profession like that then you need to understand your more likely to die on the job the nif you were behind a desk. I also think space exploration is neccesarry. We had the shuttle program shut down FAR too long in my mind. When we lose a crew we have our mourning, then we get back to work. Chances are thats what they would want us to do. And there is no way you can start exploring space. its like a large book with a 1,000 first pages.
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