Literacy in schools & Colleges

I agree ... this is why we have brains to be honest, its what we use to communicate, yet here it comes, the new generationg of people who can not use any other language than slang such as netiquette ... for instant conversations it may be ok but i just find it harder to use shortened words, i use proper and precise words which actually make sense
As for education, i'm not sure if it could change the way that some of these people communicate on the internet but it could definately influence to what extent this kind of language is present in our nodern society where it is becoming more and more often than necessary or needed for that matter ...
TopWeb said:
Humans are by nature a social species. Most people want to be part of the herd. Kids do crazy stuff just to "fit in" or be popular. L337SP34K (Leetspeak) is considered cool online, hence a lot of kids use it. I myself do, sometimes. Besides, it serves a purpose when indulging in cybersex. The problem starts when you mix up leetspeak with the real english language!

Of course, a good vocabulary and grammar is essential to be able to communicate amicably. I somewhat agree with the measure that the schools have taken to improve literacy among students.
I agree with your views on "kids" as you put it, but was not pleased with your apparent connection with cybersex, I'm reluctantly assuming it was just a reference to illustrate the reason to use leetspeak

There is one more thing, in your profile, delete the references to porn & satanism please, they may have been meant as a joke, but their mere presence is offensive
TopWeb We are seen by both genders over a wide range of ages all over the world. We'll deside what's offensive.
Its "decide". And NO, YOU DONT! The truth will prevail, maybe not today but definitely in the future. See what happened to witch burning and genocide?
TopWeb said:
I removed the porn (how I hate censorship)
Thank you for that, it must have been against your principles, but you did it.
As you can now see, another moderator has deleted your rather protracted answer, as is his right, he obviously did that purely on the grounds that we are deviating from the topic, I know him of old, he is acting very neutral in doing this, the topic being discussed doesn't concern him in this instance.
May I say that while I don't agree with your liking for satanism, as is my right, I know you will agree, I think that your faithfulness, is very strong in someone so young, it's a pity that some other fifteen year olds don't have such conviction in their beliefs, shall we call it a truce?
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