is there such a thing?


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ok...i want to sell a bunch of my stuff on ebay..and for the descriptions it uses HTML i was wondering if there was any place were i could like type up all i wanted and how i wanted it and then it translated it to HTML for me? thanx
i doupt it. i would think there is a basic descriptions without HTML code, but then again i have never sold anything on ebay.
Can you explain a little better what you want?

On eBay all you do is list a bunch of stuff, you don't need any HTML skills. the last time i tried to sell something on Ebay it was just all run together...b/c i didn't put like (p) or sumthing like that after every sentance...i want my thing to be big and some of the others.
.............................. I have NO idea what you're talking about, I sell stuff on ebay and the only thing you can do to make it fancy is to bold the letters which is like 50 cents and also to highlight it, which costs like a dollar.

And if you mean fancy in the description, people use a wizard thing that ebay provides.
a wizard? ...hmmm mebbie thats what i want..never saw it tho...:p well...ill look for it ... thanx
XD nice distorted quote daeman

And Kalgatha: Use one of those Noob 1-2-3 HTML Makers, It lets you put picture where you want it on the page, text where you want it, and it prints out the html
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