Words Per Minute


58 WPM
76% accuracy, not bad for me copying something i normally type better making it up as i go along, although my spelling sucks most the time as i type way to fast
Yeah, if someone memorised that text, and then did it, they'd be able to do it faster. It takes time for the brain to process what its reading (especially the longer words, where i paused to think) whereas, if you memoried it, those words would come straight away.
WOW!! I feel like a nerd now >_< Good God, Me and my friend always used to have competitions to see who could type things faster, So I guess we increased as we practised o_O Are you sure you guys are all right? My maximum is 231 Words Per Minute and My average is 190..

I type 143 words per minute when Im copying things from a screen... Good god I need a life

Edit: Well I guess Im faster when I copy from paper? I duno, The Typing test was 100% correct, at 138 words per minute I did the Wizard of Oz and the Tigers in the Wild one
wow... Have you had a break from that keyboard? :p

I've always taught myself things though, and so I learnt from my own techniques how to use one two handed without looking, which I can do very well and accuratley.

Just like I can hold and use a pen, but since i learnt it myself, I realised I don't hold a pen like everyone else does... Pretty weird really. No one holds a pen like me hehe, but I can still write well.
Same with me, They say something about home keys and to always leave your hands on them, I got in trouble so much with that from my teacher last year (Mandatory class -_-) but in my opinion it slows you down, I literally typed one handed faster than my friends in that class! And 30 Words 90% Accuracy was a 100 in that class! Come on lol

Same with the pen though, I hold it between the first two fingers and the second too (I was a kid, thought that was obviously why you had two fingers sticking out and one to the site, to measure where to put the pen (Yes, I was a weird kid)) So its just stuck like that and I write different than people to this day, I tried correcting myself but it just feels weird dont it?
Yeah. I was given this kind of triangular device to correct it, but it was like writing with the opposite hand... and couldn't do it.

I'm wondering if I write the same as you...i think i do, but i have the thumb in use as well...

Your the fastest typer I know of anyway. Have you tried typing using that site? Or are those the results you got doing that?
I edited the results I got posting with that site in, It says Im slower than what It said at my school.

How you hold your fingers?
well i'm right handed and i use the thumb, and 3 fingers and the 5th finger rests on the fourth lol
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