Laptop Cooling


As some of you might know, my laptop overheats like the back of my legs on a plastic car seat in Aug. So what's the best way to fix it since Best Buy can't seem to do it? Do it myself!

Basically, I'm just curious on where to get fans and other cooling parts for laptops. I would like to get a quieter, more powerful case and CPU fan (is there a case fan?), and I also plan on reapplying thermal paste which I already have. Let me know where I can get these things or what else I can do about it. Thanks!

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i don't know about the cooling inside, but for the external cooling, vantec has some good ones
Hmmm, I'm talking about internal cooling though. Like actual CPU fans and stuff. I already have a cooling pad, and it doesn't help very much.
yea my toshiba labtop goes mad hot. i just cut the vents a little and put like a little hole on the other side so it stays cool. i was thinking of using nitrogen on a labtop but dont know much bout labtops yet so the nitrougen is gonna have to ge a small container.
The only thing that's usually air cooled (by fan, not passively) is the CPU. Other than that, I guess you could experiment with it...
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