Whenever you post a new thread, or just post in general...

mark thorpe said:
ill second this... can we cut the u r 2day and all that rubbish, makes it hard to read, and makes you look like an idiot...
Yes, no 'txt' language, proper english!
lol have ye seen me writen on half of these ... i think its getting better have a look ... who said i have down syndrome or sumin?
wow... that post is so full of errors... I love it... unless you did that purposefully...yeha...
so being bad at english means you have to put u instead of you, or 2 instead of two, and other stupid things like that... i swear, a 2 year old is more literate than some people on here..... it just gets very annoying when you have to spend ages translating what people are trying to say....
I'll say it again... That's why I posted this thread... thank you...
\/\/311 \/\/847 4B0|_|7 1337 5|*34|<?

Lol Oddly enough I can read those kind of posts fluently XP Dont know about anyone else

(Obviously a joke, If we were to have 1337 speak on the boards that would be chaos..)

Oh Oh! We should have a forum of 1337! And thats all you post in! and you can actually have conversations and games where you see how hard you can make it on someone to read =D lol

Then the posters can typo to their hearts content and We wont make fun of them because it looks like theyre supposed to be typing that way XP
Yeha... that'll work... indeed. I think that first sentence says, "well, what about 1337 speak?" I think....
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