Best Brand of 6800 GT?

Depends where your loyalties lie. BFG Tech, eVGA, ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, Leadtek are all good brands. PNY is not bad, but their track record isn't as clean. I would definately avoid XFX because they probably flat-out have the worst track record ever (although they did a better job on their 7800 GTX).

EDIT>>> How many watts are you looking for?
BFG's been getting some pretty good review from PC World magazine as well as MSI and eVGA. Those are the three I like in my system.
well I like BFG but there 6800 GT is a little more then I want to spend. I have heard good about eVGA so thats why I was thinking about getting their card. It says a recomended 350w power supply for that card.
I dont really want to spend the extra money on the BFG or MSI ones when there seems to be nothing different except for the software it comes with.
I recommend MSI as well. The few extra bucks are worth the quality and reliability. It's up to you, though.

XFX I would recommend AVOIDING. For one thing, WalMart carries that brand, and everyone should know that almost all computer parts carried by WalMart are pretty low-end.
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