Haven't you figured it out yet??

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As to the RARW, Im a bear, I am a hunter with an M1 garand that I had in the Marine Corp. and I have you in my sights. You better run or there is no more RAWR, Idiot.
You'd think, or at least hope that somebody in the Marine Corp, with access to a Gun, had the litteracy to use a better word than Idiot to get their opinion of a person across.

There is a World or more inventive Insults out there. Perhaps you should venture out and try not to kill them when they to are in your sites.
That is spelled SIGHTS! That is spelled LITERACY. And your context of the sentence is all wrong! Another lack of intelligence uncovered.
Well considering what I type here is not deciding if I pass or fail school or life or death situation. I normally go out just to get my point across and end at that.
Its pretty much a flame war thats just here for your ammusement, nik. Per dont like Lord, Lord thinks pers immaturity is funny and is pickin on him back, Quite ammusing actually

*sits back in her computer chair and holds out a bucket to nik* popcorn?

I would though, like to see them respond to each others posts rather than just insult

*waits for "OLOL WELL YUOR UGY!!1"*
per said:
That is spelled SIGHTS! That is spelled LITERACY. And your context of the sentence is all wrong! Another lack of intelligence uncovered.
Litteracy has two Ts here :D In my little world. And site, well, you have already commented on how fast I post. The spelling is unusually high for a Forum anyway. I'm happy with it as it is.

My context is often wrong. I'm not writing a letter, I'm writing what I speak :D Very few people actually consider context when they are talking. If you want to get into Sentance Structure, starting one with an And is not very couth either. Maybe you shouldn't have killed Moreover and In Addition.

May I have some Popcorn?
Well thank you for the popcorn. Agruing over spelling and such online is sad. So Per enjoy your agrueing. Me and MIND will be having some popcorn.
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