
Yeah... but if you get into making up new ranks about Guru, it gets tacky :p I was hoping the fact that the possible new titles still have Guru in them and are like the Member Ranks would make David like the idea more :D
Custom Ranks after 1500.
However i dont think there is more chance of me winning the lottery tomorrow than David allowing them
Haha. Lots of people have 1,500 Custom Ranks after 5,000 I'd say. Then it can be something for people to aim at. Also, in theory, you can spam your way to 1,500 if you're devious, but 5,000 is a lot harder :p
lol, your well past that if you get over 10k you should get a coolbie rank, or even, super special guru
Haha. I don't bother about Rank anymore :p I've given up hoping for more ranks that I may try and atain...

But a 5k Custom Rank thing should give those people who have and will manage to get to it a reward for doing so. Such a number is a great service to ComputerForums.
Were pretty stupid aren't we? We just talked for 4 pages about changes in the ranks and from what ppl have written it's highly unlikely that there is going to be a change. :D
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