Need help with company...

Wow... that's really cheap. Never heard of them... but hey. If it's a good price... lol. If I were you... i'd wait and get a western digital or something like that... something from a more well-known and reliable company.
good price for what it is! You're getting a lot for your buck!

Maybe it would be worth a wait until a bigger company comes up with something like that, but it would be more expensive, so it is probably not worth it...
same here, are you sure that its a proper website? it might be, cus its too good to be true, although i dont konw us money.
Somehow, the saying that if something is too good to be true it probably is always comes to mind
I wouldn't risk it to be honest, especially with a company whcih people haevn't heard of, it may not be reliable and could be fraudulant
Go with the more well known companies, such as Sony and Panasonic ;)
yeh, if you gave them your bank details, think t=what they could do, i wouldnt to be on the safe side, lol
I think it is worth the risk, looks like a safe site, it is a good bet it is just young and has offers. Lots of start ups do :p Amazon must have once!
I know the website (mother buys from there) but I just don't know the company... well I've decided i'm probably going with another model or a thumbdrive... i've read reviews and everyone says those palm usb HDD's get extremely hot.
Thx everyone
Why would you want a Hot Thumb Drive in your Palm? It would burn you! BURN YOU!

Haha, yeah. Thumb Drive is probably more reasonable, easier to carry. I, myself, though, would get that if I had the money. You won't get so much space externally for such a great price anywhere.
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