joke: what window "vista" stands for

You do gotta give windows some recept like it's the most used OS in the world. They try they're best to prevent hackers and spyware but they can only do so much.
So show some respect to the OS you probably are using anyways.

Re: joke: what window

lhuser said:
This is what I think:

Linux is based for security. They are developping the OS for the best security.

Microsoft is not based for security. they develop their Os then put something called a patch of security.

It's like the intel. Their EM64T CPUs are actual 32-bit CPU that they put a "layer" of a 64-bit. the AMD Athlon 64 bulds are made of 100% 64-bit CPU and 32-bit compatible
A patch is not for Security :p A Patch can be for anything; they use patches to update code to debug the software remotely. You could patch a feature. They develop their OSs for Security, but because so many people use it and so many people hack it, they have to patch it more than most software.

Haha! AMD 64 Processors are a layer of 64-bit, just like EM64T Processors. They only 64-bit Processor from AMD or Intel, is the Itanium, which can't use 32-bit Software. There is no way to patch down a purebred 64-bit Processor to 32-bit, hence why they patch up 32-bit to 64-bit. Whoever told you there was a difference between EM64T and AMD 64 was a twit :D especially if he also said AMD 64 Processors are prurebred 64-bitters patched down for 32-bit :p
I said Holy Zombie Jesus. I'd like to point out, that that is perfectly acceptable on Saturday Morning TV on one of our four main Terestrial Channels. Futurama is in American too; if it is good enough for censors to allow, it is good enough for us to allow here I would think.

Anybody get the feeling Wombat is reading all my posts? I hope so... it would be a lovely waste of his time :D I must have posted 50 posts today...
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