More bomb attacks in London

I suppose if you're brazillian, you don't care much about Scotland Yard or the safety of Britain - but sueing them? Brazil must be being infested with the sort of Lawyer Scum in America.

I agree with Maurice and Mark - if he had been a Bomber, and they had shot his legs, or his arms, he would have been alive long enough to blow up a bomb. They have to hit his head, and make sure he's dead however many shots it needs, or he'd blow himself up.

Sueing the Police for doing what they're meant to do is not going to make anybody safer, least of all people who MI5 think are Terrorists who are not. You don't want to sue the sort of Policemen who are good enough to make the decision to kill that person, and who can make that shot, you want to praise them for making the decision and hitting him. If you sue good people like that out of the Police Force, you don't only remove one good man from protecting Britain, you remove other people who may want to be a Policeman, but only a bit more than something else, and they think nah, I don't want to be sued for doing my Job.

You might as well sue a Policeman for killing a Sheep that didn't have Foot and Mouth.
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