Ebay is expensive

Nope this is me.. A buddy set it up for me long ago.. I used to tag places with it..


Im all for it..

Group Hug
No I'm not 12, I'm 15, and I chose to use these words because I can, and it makes sense. Ebay is good, I use ebay. If everyone in the world was like Buzz whining and complaining about how they lost 4 bucks for a chance to make 150 bucks, then it would go out of buisness, and then you would have millions trying to kill buzz. I don't need a group hug, and I don't need 30 year olds that make stupid metaphors and horrible jokes to tell me to "calm down"
What my deal with ebay is this..

I list my auction.
700.00us They charge me 11.85
if it sells.. they charge me an extra 4.06 us..

Now if I already paid for listing,, why are they taking more of my money.. And when ebays listing fees and credits were back the way they used to be years ago, they weren't going out of business. Far from it..

And I never said ebay is bad, horrible or should be closed down.. I just said they are expensive when you sell.. Was I whining no.. You choose to come into this thread and bring your bad attitude and thats fine.

Perhaps you dont need us 30 year olds making "stupid metaphors and horrible jokes". Perhaps you need to learn to be more friendly and cheer up once in awhile. Simple.. If you dont like a topic, and think a person is "whining, crying, complaining" or simply doesn't share your exact opinion. Then you should refrain from posting your negative remarks.

Thats all I have to say about this...
lol...i got a whole buncha legos when i was a little kid (littler...15 now) anyway...and i've had em forever...about the mp3 player it is a philips gogear hdd 077 2gb http://www.consumer.philips.com/consumer/catalog/catalog.jsp?fhquery=fh_secondid%3Dhdd075_17_us_consumer%26fh_view%3Ddetail%26fh_location%3D%2F%2Fconsumer%2Fen_US%2Fcategories%3Ccatalog_us_consumer%2Fcategories%3C%7BPORTABLE_ENTERTAINMENT_GR_US_CONSUMER%7D&productId=HDD075_17_US_CONSUMER&activeCategory=PORTABLE_ENTERTAINMENT_GR_US_CONSUMER&fredhopperpage=detail.jsp&language=en&country=US&catalogType=CONSUMER&proxybuster=4PZLT4QMAUN4DJ0RMRCSHQVHKFSESI5P
that...look at it admire it...i don't care. if you interested still pm me for more info
ok...the hyper link don't work...but go to google and search for philips then go to portable entertainment then hdd077 2 gig thingy
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