Automatilcy open and close sites


Solid State Member
Hey I dont know If Im in the right topic but what the heck.
I want to know if there is a program or something that would be able to open a website, keep it open for a little bit and then close it. And it would have to do it for multiple websites and almost the same time. Is that possible. Also is there a way for the comptuer to shut down after a certain amount of time. Like a sleep timer that is on a tv. Any advice would be good guys. thanks

A batch script would do this for you.. (I like creating batch scripts)

Or you can create a task to open a shortcut. Then another task to terminate iexplore.exe.. Then shutdown..

But I like the batch script.. It's more complete, easier, and simple.
how would i do this, is there a program i use. I am totally new at this. I realyl dont know what this stuff means

I would start by creating a shrotcut to your website you want opened..
I then would call the shortcut from the batch with a wait call for how ever long you want.. Then close it..

As for shutting down..
You can use Hibernate
You can create another batch script that will use the shutdown.exe
or create a shortcut and use switches and have it shut down at a certain time.
If you dont know what a batch file is then i wouldnt suggest trying it, ill look around for a program that does it for you, ill post back if i find one.
With exact details and i will create the batch file for him.

Then make it run in the background or run manually when the user wishes..

Either way..

Also with batch scripts not trying it? Nonsence..with what he's trying to acclomplish, nothing can come in any harm. the worst would be that you dont make a call right. in that case the batch script would just cancel and close itself.
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