What has gone on here today?

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DarkBlade said:
I refuse to let this devolve into some arguement. It wasn't intended as such, merely an informative base. Please close this thread to prevent further issues. I am over the issue because Lurkswithin explained the issue.
As you wish DarkBlade, this post is now closed.
DarkBlade said:
I am not doing anything against the rules, just wanted you to pop in here and explain this madness that happened while I was at a party. Please do not treat me like I am three wombat, I do not appreciate it. I know the rules of this forum, I used to be a MOD. My rules are the same as others, and I completely respect this forum and its administration, but I refuse to be treated rudely or like a child.... Nothing is erupting... this was a simple request for information about some strange events. I suppose I am going to have to ask David about it myself. And Wombat, I don't know you very well and you don't know me very well, so please have a mutual respect for me as I have for you. I am a longtime resident of this forum, and I had a SINGLE bad experience which is in the past, I do not think it is very fair to be persecuted over the past. I have asked that be dropped. Honestly, your comments above make it seem as if I am under even stricter rules then others and I am confined to the Hardware section and not allowed to ask MODs questions. I have the same rights as everyone else here Wombat. Please do not treat me otherwise. I will continue to be cordigal and friendly with you, but the comment above is not friendly, and I do not appreciate being talked to as if I am a criminal on parole. Thankyou for respecting my rights.

And also, if you find the post above offensive, they are not intended nor written that way, so please re-read them in an effort to fully grasp and understand their point. If a hacker had taken over a MODs account, I would call Matt (Adam) and have him call David directly to put a stop to it. I am not attempting to start some ridiculous arguement with anyone nor offend any person. This thread was based purely on an informative basis. Take it for what it is.
DarkBlade, You asked that you get an answer to your question from a mod and it was answered in your last posting. Before you jump on a high horse about somethuing you should at the least check on your postings prior to wasting our time.
Now you are in here demanding that you get an answer to a question that was already answered and if not you are going to call another mod and demand that he call David and wake him up.
I say go ahead and have at it.
But you really need to get this... I don't care a bit about who you are or who you think you are...it pulls no weight with me.. If you are doing wrong then you will be treated accordingly. Period. Now I don't know what kind of problem you have had in here before and I personally don't care..If you are out of line, Someone will tell you so and do what is deemed necessary to make sure that the rules are being followed..And it doesn't matter a wit as to whom you know or think you may know. So stop with the melodramatics and inuendoes.
If you got a question then ask and someone will try to answer it for you.
That is what this forum is about. And not about demands or veiled threats by you or any one.
They are all the same person with the same IP and who happen to be an old member who was banned original for very good reasons.
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