US grand prix..... what a joke...

no, in this case a chicane has truely been built...

To resort to tricks or subterfuges; use chicanery...

so the real probelm is michelins fault, why is the FIA blaming the teams?
root said:
if you used to live right by the BAR grounds then you'd have lived in Brackley?

probably on castle mount (thats the nearest houses I can think of close to BAR)

Thats where I live... (I mean Brackley)...

This is weird, I wonder if I actually know you or used to know you...

(Brackley is one of those small towns where it is the centre of it's own universe and everybody knows everybody else...)

assuming that you did actually live in Brackley.
where do you live now then?
yeh in Brackley
origanally we lived at spiers drive on what was the new estate when we were there( the area behind the recreation center)

my dad worked at Virgin building airplane seats opposite the BAR factory, mum worked canter and nissle. we no just about everyone there and we still go up there on visits to see family friends etc.

we moved away 4 years ago, now i see the towns over run with boy racers

so where abouts do you live?. did you goto madaline college?
(sorry about spelling i left 4 years ago i cant remember the whole place)

also i hear there trying to build one Huge air tunnel at the BAR grounds supposed to be record breaking
yes, of course I went to magdalen...

I know where Spiers drive is, I live in St Peters Road...

They are building new stuff on the BAR site, but they've had a wind tunnel there for ages.

yes the town is pretty much over run with boy racers, wouldn't be so bad if they didn't all have shit cars.

Hmm, looked at the date of birth in your profile...
you're 16 and I'm 22?
So you probably wouldn't have actually known you... (i'd have been going into 6th form as you were starting yr7).
But I may know some people that you may have known.

did you go to primary school in Brackley, (if so which one?)...

I find this quite weird as I've never actually seen a person on the internet that I may have know, or they may have known me...

i went to brackly Junior School BJS Big Jam Sandwitch or Blow Job School (back in the young days lol)

before that i went to waynefleets (sorry about spelling)

dont suppose you no anyone that has just left school, if you do who? i most likely no them
ahh you're just not cool any more, southfield is was the place to be...

I can't really think of anyone who has just left school...

I know some people in my sisters year, (she's sara) which would be year 13 now

and I know some people in my girlfriends brothers year (just his friends) and I think that's year 10.

so chnces are I don't know you at all...
I don't know if you know me, (I'm Danny Rainbow)...

do you have any brothers or sisters that I may have known?
nah, my sister is 14, and all that are left up there are aunts and uncles, never heard of anyonecalled shaun vickers or sam edwards

strange how small this world is becoming
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