I hate Winamp

LOL... if you can, just get a win t.v. card, a t.v. tuner, and you can watch and record and pause live t.v.! It's pretty cool. I have it and it's amazing. Of course, if you can't, then you're stuck I guess. Maybe try limewire... lol. downloads of course. but yeah. Internet t.v. isn't all that reliable.
Yea, my winamp is being a dick to me..it wont buffer and everytime I click play on the channel it opens the winamp folder, I'm like wtfz0r?

-_- Computer is making me sad.
Dude, well that sucks. I hope you can get it to work. There's a program called interenet tv but I don't know how reliable it is. A t.v. turner would suffice.
the same thing would happen to me. Only the crappy programs played, but family guy, futurama, simpsons, south park...all the sweet shows didnt want to play! :(
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