windows xp 64 bit edition

I do alot of 3d work, and it takes me FOREVER, I think I'm going to upgrade to 64 bit but am I okay with my ram status ?
I would add as much RAM as the motherboard can support, especially if you do a lot of 3d type work as you have mentioned above. Max that out and get the X64. You should see an improvement. Be sure that your existing hardware have compatible drivers for the 64-bit route. Windows X64 does come shipped with thousands and thousands of drivers though but it doesn't hurt to do some research first.

If you do want more RAM, now's the best time to get them because they are very low in price. This fall, reports show that they may go back up.

For gaming, X64 is pretty neat especially if the games are 64-bit versions. I would say for people that aren't doing 3d stuff for a living to wait for Longhorn. I can see a big boom in that direction once it is released. Can't wait to see it on standard PCs in the future.
lhuser said:
It's useless to have such big increments of memory. @ ramb_05, it's best to stay with 32-bit Windows. It's far much better

@ iamroot, Well, I guess even I'll stay away from 64-bit OS for the rerst of my life. (Until they move to 128-bit processing)

It is obvious you don't do anything but basic word processing, there for it is useless for you to have 1GB of memory. For us computer "geeks" out there, even though it's not 100% yet, Win 64bit OS is a BIG step into the next world of computers. Yes, driver support is not full, but if you know what you are doing then there are ways to work around it. And, with WOW64, 32-bit applications will run in a seperate part of the OS but w/ up to 4GB of virtual memory for EACH 32-bit app running. You asked what is soooo good about 64-bit compared to 32-bit and here are a few answers: 32-bit and 64-bit respectively (1) Virtual Memory 4GB, supports up to 16terabytes (2)paging file 16terabytes, 512terabytes (3) pagepool 470MB, 128GB (4) non page 256MB, 128GB (5)system cache 1GB, 1terabyte. So as you can see, not only will 64-bit native apps run on 64-bit OS (only), but your 32-bit apps will run faster and more efficiently than before. But, like you said, I don't see any point in you upgrading to anything ever (probably could have stuck with MS 3.1). If this reply sounds mean, then I appologize, I just don't see why you think it's necessary to reply on a post that you have no intention of acutally helping (just trying to convince yourself you have a good computer :) ) Have a good one.
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