Single ATI vs Single Nvidia

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Oh.. and pelase, WATERCOOL YOUR GRAPHICS CARDS AND PROCESSORS IF YOU HAVE THEM OVERCLOCKED. My old dual 9700's were fried when I only used two heat sinks. Now I use watercooling from alienware and I get clock speeds for my processsor thats a Pentium 4 HT Gaming Extreme at 3.6ghz to actual 4ghz. One word... damn

Nevermind, put the Dual Xeon's back in... it works great.. overclocked em both to 3 ghz.. total 6ghz performance.... whoa

This thread is long dead and please watch your language when posting.
Don't pull up any more old threads. The posters had finished with it a while back.
And here he is again with nothing constructive to say, only B/S and criticism. Just to see his name in print. What a joke Gian is!!.
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