Cleaning Your Keybaord

In that case I would adhere to the old adage " If it ain't broke don't try to fix it".
and I wouldn't even put my keyboard 10 feet from a bucket of water! thats insane!........don't do that......
just maybe ought to eat a little farther away from your computer, put a little table beside your chair and turn the chair when you want to take a bite of food or
per said:
A new board is only about $10 unless it's wireless.
I purchased a box of 10 brand new BTC 5917 keyboards for Aus$75.00 at a bankruptcy sale three years ago. When they get really filthy I toss them in the bin... I have seven to go.
Haha, I need a new keyboard too...god knows WHAT is in my keyboard cracks... :p

What I do if I've got a bunch of money tied up in something and it has to be taken apart to be cleaned is set up my web cam on a tripod and capture the whole thing on my hard drive. So no question about what went where.
ive cleaned my keyboard a thousand ways:
you can use alcoholic swabs to wipe off the grime (very effective)
you can take a tooth brush lightly dip it in water or windex and brush away
you can flip it over, and vacum it
you can open it take the top and put it into the sink under hot water, use dish washing soap and a brush with long bristles (favorable) to scrub it FYI: some keyboards arent too durable, so the writing on the keys might get erased even by rubbing the alcohol swab on the keys.
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