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I know a lot about cars. So don't spread disinformation.

Again the French can't build good tanks or good cars, just like the Italians can't build good fiats. That's not anti-french nor is it anti-italian. It is just to the point. It is the same reason on why I don't like American cars. But then against that doesn't make me racist. I'm tired of your fowl ad hominems and non sequiters.
Giancarlo said:
Hey, root.. you know nothing about Spain.
well I know they build crappy peugeot cars...
(i have your testemony to that)

and spawn argumentative teenagers :p
mark thorpe said:
and thats an unfair prejudice too... (excuse spelling, its late...)

so now your having a go at the british...

I'm sorry but that's not prejudice. It is simply going after root for saying the Spanish produce argumentative teenagers. You need to get your priorities right and not throw around the word "racist" and "prejudice" because it suits you best.
You gotta stop throwing around the word "racist" it makes you look like you are using different groups of people for your own goals.
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