Gallery: Your Workstation SPLIT

stop please...

it's over. David has spoken and that's the way it will be. Just stop it please...
Re: Gallery: Your workstation

Giancarlo said:
I just think you guys are taking your power way too far. I think both of you should be demoted. But I already got a response from David and lets wait and see what he does.

If you think you're better than us, then go make your own forums to dictate. If you're gonna have this kind of attitude then I think you should leave.
Re: Gallery: Your workstation

alvino said:
If you think you're better than us, then go make your own forums to dictate. If you're gonna have this kind of attitude then I think you should leave.

No I'm not going anywhere. And I had a point about these threads... so much so, David ordered them to stay after I wrote a lengthy argument on why they should stay up. I don't want moderatorship. I have scorned people for suggesting me to be. Conflict of interests. At least I have the guts to say there is a conflict of interests rather then trying to cover it up like some around here and at least I have the guts to say I wouldn't be a good mod unlike some around here.

Athlon shouldn't be paid any attention to. I'm a valuable poster.
Re: Gallery: Your workstation

Whatever, the Gallery threads are back as stickys and we'll leave it at that.
Re: Gallery: Your workstation

gian, all you do is fight an argue over pointless issues, and try to get people to feel sorry for you since you're gay. whatever, my freind who's also gay, james never wants people to feel sorry for them.

and also gian, political aruguments dont belong on sites like this, go to a politics form to say that stuff.

and also, how valuable are posts like arguing over politics on a computer forum!!!??? people dont give a rats butt about it. they come here to talk computers not politics!
Re: Gallery: Your workstation

The moderators just told to you to shut up. Now you are the one arguing about something pointless and you are also defying the rules. And where the heck did I bring up I was different? Umm where.. find a thread for me or even a post. You need to grow up and stop trying to attack me with these ugly ad hominems. It just doesn't look good.

And where is politics in hardware forum? I don't see any. Nor do I see any recent political threads. Last threads I was talking in were ones about college and star wars.

Please accept you're wrong and just move on. It isn't worth my time fighting over someone who makes up these selfish accusations.

Politics? Point that one out to me. That's freaking rich. If people didn't care they wouldn't respond.
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