Stupid but interesting question

Dreams I think are one of the coolest and most mysterious things. I have no idea how they work or why they occur, but I do know that they can be very weird sometimes. And I kinda get what you guys mean with like how dreams are sometimes stuff that has been on your mind previously cuz sometimes if I think about something or someone or some place like the whole day or just a lot in that day, I end up dreaming about it. But sometimes I can have a dream that makes absolutely no sense or be something that hasn't been on my mind at all and it will be totally random. I really wish we could get answers for stuff like this.
Does anyone here know what Lucid dreaming means?

(the ability to control your dreams)

I believe dreams do mean something, when I dream I feel it must be some kind of expression of myself, but when Lucid dreamnig, how can it be an unconcious expression of myself.
I think that you are all just too ashamed that you are having wet dreams because you are all so young and then wishing that they all come true...LOL
Yeah I've heard of Lucid dreams. Rather a kewl prospect though I don't remember if i've ever had one. Basically its about tricking your mind that your in a dream and its not real., so you can basically do what you like? Ever seen Better Than Life on Red Dwalf? :p hehe

As for them telling the future, this can't be certain, though it can't be prooven wrong really. Only by scientists who don't like open arguments. We only use about 10% of our brains at a time.

As for DejaVu. I get this alot. The past month I've had it about 4 times.
I think I know what it is though. Yur memory will store things that you won't have links to thats happened in your life previously, like a convosation you might have had. As soon as this is menitoned again and in the same type of atmopshere or around the same convo, your mind will link with it, and it'll appear like this has happened before, though not exactly the same.
What you think?
i've had a few lucid dreams, they rock. Also, i've had issues with sleeping in certain positions that i will remain in a paralyzed state for about 3 minutes after i wake up...usualy when sleeping at a desk. ill wake up and not be able to move but i know im awake. then ill very very slowely start to move my arm although im trying my hardest to do it and eventualy ill slide it off the desk and it will wake me up all the way. It's pretty scary when it happens but its a very interesting and informitive experience.
Your subconscience will still be partly active when this happens as well as your mind, so it starts to mess up and thinks yuor still in a dream hehe
Another weird thing that only happens occasionally when I'm about to wake up, it'll feel as if I have just tripped or something and I'm falling, but then I kinda wake up and I'm on my bed. It's really wierd, does anyone else get this weird, falling experience?
yeah, some say its your soal getting pulled back into your body to quickly....but i dont know about all that jazz
i always have that experience...

ive also heard that you've stopped breathing or something and then your body like convulses and you start again.

has anybody ever cried in your dream and then woken up to realize you were crying in real life too?
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