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Writing an OS is an extremely time consuming, difficult and long job. Microsoft takes years to write an OS with teams and teams of the world's best programmers. If you're new to programming there's no way you'll be able to do it. Fact.

And C is rubbish. Learn C++.
Start out writing a game. It's a self conatained operating system if you think about it.

No. C is better for OS's. For once malbuc87uk, I disagree :p.
who says he's going to make an operating system the size of windows? maybe he'll just make a text base one? and he's right c is better for os programming than c++.
Well either way he'll be able to choose which is better for him because by the time he gets to writing an os he'll know all about it.
sorry thats quite funny someone wants to straight away learn c then write an os if you are successful
i will eat something.learn c but you arent going to be able to write an os just like that and plus you need abit of asm knowledge
What about C#. Is that good for anything? I'm learning C++ as my first language. I figured you know, it's got more symbols. C has 1 C++ has 3. :D

No, I just picked because, well I really don't know why I picked it.
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