cool photos

I get them from all over the place :D

A £3 million bubble bath

An embarrasinng job...
i honestly don't think some of these are real, but haha, they sure are funny :p :D
nothing wrong with fudge packers... dont think i would survive without fudge... lol

those are GREAT pics... keep em coming :D
F-14 Tomcat...

Either he had the wingtip in the cat walk or it was mighty close. The platform you see in the middle of the pic is the LSO platform. That's where other pilots talk the planes down. Not a whole lot of protection there. You can tell the plane is in motion if you look just above the top most air inlet. See the fog coming off the surface? That's caused by condensation when the plane is in a tight turn at high speeds. A 1000 ISO speed film would have caught that with no bluring.
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