Meaning of life?

really? how many clocks per cycle do intel CPU's have? noone else answer this is starr's trivia seeing as how he claims to know everythign
EasternDigital said:
Eh... I believe it has a meaning, but still... NO ONE knows it, and they shouldn't act like they do.

Know one is acting like they know the meaning of life here, all that has been said is opinion, yes opinion...everyone has one, letting one express thiers though is a given right...either it be right or wrong.

Don't atke an of this thread serious, unless someone has said they hold evidence...
~mr mixx~ said:
Know one is acting like they know the meaning of life here, all that has been said is opinion, yes opinion...everyone has one, letting one express thiers though is a given right...either it be right or wrong.

Don't atke an of this thread serious, unless someone has said they hold evidence...

ok, i have a theory and evidence
I think the meaning of life is to be remembered, thus explaining the existance of memory as well. oooh yeah, ive solved 2 philosophic questiions never before answered, and its only 5:14
lol kewl :p Yeah, its best to be remembered when you die. Maybe you won't be remembered by masses like celebrities, and Royalty would but you'll always be remembered by some special people which matters more. People that care about you more than anyone ever could. Thats what matters... though it is a bit horrible people remembering you when they can't have you back anymore.
I must also note its best to be remembered for something good!
No one likes a bad guy, though they'll be remembered, but for the wrong reasons...

If its possible, be remembered with people being a part of you in genes too, as this can't be beaten, and part of you will live on...

EDIT: I can really talk crap sometimes can't I :p

Life has no meaning unless you give it meaning. The journey you take will depend on choices you make along the way. Some will be right, some will be wrong. But what ever choices you make, you made them. To live just to live is truely meaningless. When you make choices let those choices be of benefit to others as well as yourself. For a selfish person has no meaning in their life. Take not the journey alone, but gather those like you and different from you into your heart. They add spice to the journey. Be wary of the evil that lays in wait. Evil is powerful and we must always be on guard. Don't be closed of mind or spirit. This makes the journey a lonesome one. Big Bang or Evaloution, take time to admire the beauty that is all around you. Does it really matter how it got here? Help those less fortunate than you, for in doing so you help yourself.
Then when all is said and done you can look back at your life and say, My life was a full one. It had purpose and it did have a meaning.
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