Huge set-back in Jackson's defense

Yeah exactly, cuz it would prolly be the same, ya know being locked up and everything, except he wouldn't have an asshole the size of my fist and would get help with a lot of his problems.
Imagine the Mr. Jackson in prison, like trying to touch some muscular guy and saying "Come to my cell, I have candy!" and then like ...... que?

Closed mouth gathers no foot I would presume.

But if he's convicted doesn't he have the normal appeals that would keep him out or is it he's going in and then appeal?
Michael Jackson, what a sad story, what a horrible life he led and what horrible deeds he has done.
i reckon that he should be put into prison with the other nunces!!! maggots like him deserve EVERYTHING that they get in prison!!! but u know what??? Prisons have social heirarchies... and child molestors are the lowest of the low, they cop it of EVERYONE else in the prison!!! so i say that therefore he should be let loose in a REAL prison with some big homo black guys in his cell...

just a question??? would jacko become the Butch or the Bitch u reckon??? id put money on him being the Bitch!!!! some1 will make him their bitch for sure!!!!
Re: Um...

setishock said:
Closed mouth gathers no foot I would presume.

But if he's convicted doesn't he have the normal appeals that would keep him out or is it he's going in and then appeal?

He would be in confinement, and be able to appeal while in confinement, considering the seriousness of the charges placed against him. He faces up to 15 years.
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