Should Terri Schiavo continue living?

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ok before every calls me insensitive i have something to say. why would you keep her in a bed living off life support for 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? i say take her off the life support and give her a nice coffin, or box if you spent all your money on the medical bills. it costs less money to have her off than to have her on. and its just the family holding onto a false hope, because she will never walk again, talk again, or think again. shes braindead why keep her on lifesupport? no im not being insensitive im just being a realist
on that note...i would have taken her off too. however, it is possible for her to come back. a little boy was torn apart by a shark a couple of summers ago here. they thought he was dead. he had no blood left in him and his arm was gone (they pulled it out of the shark and reattached it later). they rushed him to the hospital, put him on machines, and pumped him back with blood. he showed absolutely no signs of anything. a few months ago he came out of the coma. he will never be the same but now he can live. he responds to people and i think they're trying to get him to talk.

ps- there are tests that they are going to do for terri to see if she really is braindead bc no one knows for sure.
Yeah, money_man's view is the reality. And luckyduck, her braindead'ness is inreversable.
...uhm. no one has ever tested her for her "braindead'ness". thats why the put off the decision making.
"Doctors say she is in a persistent vegetative state with no hope of recovery. Her husband says she would not want to be kept alive in that condition"

this is the only thing in there that said anything about her response level. we studied this in english class a couple of weeks ago. they stopped the vote or whatever until tests could be run to determine whether or not there was any brain activity.
If I were the parent of someone that had a similar case like her's, I wouldn't want my kid to be braindead and suffer a artificial life...but, that's my opinion. The final decision, of course, comes down to her family (so I don't even know why Congress is even intervening).
hey check it out im not an insensitive jerk! GO ME! yea but seriously i wouldnt have left her on the artificial life thingy for that long. think shes missed most of her life even if she does come back
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