Any funny imperfections?


Daemon Poster
Anyone have any funny imperfections around their house?
My TV in the basement doesnt have a down button, so If i am looking for a channel, say 35 and i pass it, I have to go aaaaaaaallll the way around to get to it again.
I dont think so, cause the TV is suuuuuuuper old and I dont even know what company it is from, since stuff got lost from it.
I have a really cool phone my mom gave me, tons of features, and cost like $75. But then my toddler broke the receiver, and I just can't justify spending that much on a phone, and I can't find a new reciever that fits. So, I have another phone under it. The broken receiver sits on the cradle, because the working one doesn't fit. If you want to talk on the phone, you have to lift the broken receiver off, then pick up the receiver on the other phone to talk. Pain in the butt.
We bought this huge plasma screen tv, but cant even watch tv on it, good waste of 10000
back in the day i spent all the money i could get my hands on, on remote control cars, planes, rockets, boats etc

now they sit there and collect dust, thats about £800 worth of stuff
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