
level 5 spoiler:
level5 :
this ones a bit more difficult, but not impossible...

To start with download the EXE
then download the VB3 runtaime from microsoft

get a decent memory searching tool, (I tried to make on in C but was getting errors) so I used winhack...

run the program...
put in a recognisable test username and password (I put my firstname as the username and my second as the password.... pres login and you get an error message...

now open the memory for the process (ntvdm.exe)
and search for your first name...
near to your first name will be the username...

copy that into the username box, now press login again...
open the memory again and this time search for your second name, the password will be very close to this.

username : Try2Hack
password : ILoveDodi
Level 6 URL : /levels/level6-kdsvbd.xhtml

Oh yay!!!, level 6 is nother program...

Leve6 spolier
level 6,
again quite easiy (much easier than level 5.

run the program, and watch your firewall to see where it connects...


go there and look at the content, the username an password are encrypted...

I had no idea what the encryption was, so I coppied it into goole, (ignored the pages that had soluitions in them)...

and wouund up at www . cs . ucf . edu/~gworley/files/baconian_cipher . txt (remove the spaces from the dots if you want to cheat, but I'm trying to keep the text as white and links show through!)

get a pen and paper, and figure out the code.

username : dabomb
password : encryptionrawks
nextpage : levels/level7-xfkohc.php

Level 7 doesn't work for me, it says you have to use IE 7...
(I assume firefox users will be fine though)
sorry I had to edit this onto the last post as the white showed against the darker grey...
level 7 spolier
I checked the version more thourally, and it seems that whilst MSIE 7 will come out in the sumer its not out yet...

so ou have to spoof the headers...
To do this all you need is the command prompt from your windows or linux system.

telnet 80
GET /levels/level7-xfkohc.php

(says you need MSIE 7.66)
telnet 80
GET /levels/level7-xfkohc.php HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.66; Windows NT 5.0)

(says you need linux)
telnet 80
GET /levels/level7-xfkohc.php HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.66; Linux)

(says you must be linked from microsoft site.)
telnet 80
GET /levels/level7-xfkohc.php HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.66; Linux)

Link to level 8 is given...
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