Disturbed by some things here...

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He said to report threads that get out of hand. Since he removed the post that took this off-topic, he would have liked you to report the off0topic thread so it would stay true to what he wanted to know. New thread will be up in a mintue
most of those artists voices arent real in thier songs, the real talent is protools and the sound techs. They spend more time on teh actual music then the artist does. its 40% artitst work and the rest is all record co sound techs.
Exactly, if there were just a singer that needed paying then CDs would be a lot cheaper, but there is a whole production and promotion crew you are stealing from as well when you download a CD.

when you copy a program it is hard to see it a stealing, because you've left the company with the original. think of the software writters as performing a service, they write software, and you buy a right to use that software when you get a license.
Well. Webhosting and Computer Repair services... so far this year we have fixed over 600 in a 5,000 mile radious
You provide a service, how'd you like it if I used your service and didn't pay you...

I even more how'd you like it is I cracked you server, opened it up to the worlkd and let everyone who wanted a bit of free hosting use it?

Lots of 16Yr olds have hosting businesses, and lots have mobile computer fixing businesses, it's just an example of how a professional service has entered an unprofessional market.
I wonder how a 16 year old can even operate a business, when he has no financial independence, backing with financial institutions like banks, or personal fiscal independence.
and no public liability insurance either...

16tr olds opperate web server businesses because they know how to screw bown the mother board,
they know how to press the power button.

and every piece of software you may need is made easy to install...

Anything they don't know, or any trouble they run into they can ask on forums like this and people are more than willing to help them.

Hardly a great business plan
Don't insult 16 year olds by calling them stupid or anything insulting their intelligence.. but at least in the US of A, they don't have financial independence. And that in my eyes is unacceptable. That's why I go with Below10host.com for my hosting because it is run about by 20 employees...
thats not the point that I was trying to make,

I never called anyone stupid, (you were the one who misread my words)

what I am saying is that webservers and computer repairs are becoming more of a cottage industry because the skills are entering the public sector with much more rediness...
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