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you do know that cats get worms too right?
and cats are more atheletic, so they walk all over things like your bad and sofas and kitchen sideboards after they've been outside, spreading whatever nasty germs are on the pavement, (or their litter tray for that matter)...

Cats are a menace to wild life, they kill hundreds of birds and small mamals...

athlon64fx said:
if your cat does freaky things to your baby,

If I had a child and a cat, and the cat attacked the child I know which one I'd be taking away to a quiet spot and cuddling and soothing better...

It certainly wouldn't be the cat as I'd kill the little bastard if it attacked my kids.
Cats are a menace???

My working babies don't bother with birds. I have seen with my own eyes several birds within easy reach in the low branches of a bush. The two old grizzled toms just walk by and look up then go on. Kinda like , Hey, How ya doing, and just go on. The only reason they are allowed to stay around is they eat snakes and small rodents. Where I work in the day is a garden property. While it's a nice looking place, it has its share of four legged and slithering problems. Enter the cats. They seem to have gotten a basic understanding, I keep the snakes and rodents away, I get to stay.
It's a working relationship that our corporate office and the local animal control approves of. Works for us and is entertaining to our guests. And me...
I have a 2 1/2 year bearded dragon, i got her from my school when the bursar decided that he didnt want her any more. i have had her for about 6 months but looked after her at school. Origionally we thought that she was male, so i have a female beardie called derek :rolleyes: .
also i have a 12 1/2 year old jack russel called patch, we have had him since he was about 3 - 4 weeks old, he was rescued from a breeder who was abusing him.

Here are some pics of derek:

i will post pics of patch if i can find any decent ones and upload them :D
athlon64fx said:
dogs are murderous when it comes to homes dont have one in a nice house with expensive funriture. they pee all over everything and they stink. cats can take thier own baths dogs cant you ahve to give them a bath liek twice a week or they smell baaaad!!

This is completely stereotypical and BS for that matter. My dog is very well trained and most of the time smells better then cats. My aunt owns several cats and they spray all over the furniture, tear things up and eat through bags of food. So really are cats all that much better? I bet not. Cats don't take their own baths. Owners again must do that.

dogs also got more buggies on them too and arent as desease resistant as cats are. they also get HUMONGUS worms up thier butt!!! I saw one that was 8 feet long comin outta my parents dobermann lucky.

from then on I called him Butt Lucky!!! hehehe

Dogs are more resistent then cats. Saying otherwise is a common misperception amongst cat owner fanatics as yourself. Dogs have stronger immune systems. They do suffer from what you mention (but apparently your parents did not put their dog on heartworm pills). Additionally, cats suffer from the exact same thing.. that is why they too need heartworm pills.

Do me a favor.. next time you try to B.S at least put some effort into it.
What the hell is your problem? Why must you start so many fights Giancarlo? This started to be a good topic until you came. Anyway, she is not saying B.S. She is stating her opinions, so be nice and respect her opinions. Like you could have stated your opinions about the subject and could have not been a complete ass about it. Please grow up.
I proved myself with cut clear evidence. Cats suffer from ring worm and other diseases too. Respect what opinions? Those aren't opinions. Opinions are based on something that can be perceived either way. Like whether god exists. Statements that I made are factual, since cats do in fact suffer from the same amount of diseases that dog do and that is why there is medicine for them.
Giancarlo said:
This is completely stereotypical and BS for that matter. My dog is very well trained and most of the time smells better then cats. My aunt owns several cats and they spray all over the furniture, tear things up and eat through bags of food. So really are cats all that much better? I bet not. Cats don't take their own baths. Owners again must do that.
Many people however find dogs smelly. Personally I can't tell but thats not a good nor a bad sign. Many people of course also find Cats smelly... I don't know what strange cats your aunt has but they obviously aren't well trained :D Male cats may do that... never had a male cat so I wouldn't know but I imagine FX would be talking about a Female Cat.

Nobody has to wash a cat :D It wouldn't make it easy even if they did. Your aunts cats are scaring me...

Giancarlo said:
Dogs are more resistent then cats. Saying otherwise is a common misperception amongst cat owner fanatics as yourself. Dogs have stronger immune systems. They do suffer from what you mention (but apparently your parents did not put their dog on heartworm pills). Additionally, cats suffer from the exact same thing.. that is why they too need heartworm pills.
Dogs and Cats are just as resiliant. Dogs however, larger ones more so but all eventually will suffer from a number of conditions Cats would never which has to be included in the point about problems.

Giancarlo said:
I proved myself with cut clear evidence. Cats suffer from ring worm and other diseases too. Respect what opinions? Those aren't opinions. Opinions are based on something that can be perceived either way. Like whether god exists. Statements that I made are factual, since cats do in fact suffer from the same amount of diseases that dog do and that is why there is medicine for them.
They were opinions, some were facts. Dogs are murderous with clean cut homes with white walls and expensive furniture. Perhaps you can get, if you choose Male Cats, mess from Cats but not really the same amount; also as kittens, but you'd get that with a puppy at least also, probably moreso anyway.

I don't think Dogs pee over everything myself, not more than a cat will, as a puppy of course but the same with a kitten as I said. They do however get dreadfully muddy and will not clean themselves as a Cat does.

Personally I like both. Wouldn't be without my cats wouldn't be without my dog but in all the dog makes more mess in a day than both cats in a month plus.

I'm not sure why you did that though... it was a little unprovoked :D You don't work for some Pro-Dog Anti-Cat Government Organisation do you? Most of the things she said were opinion, some were true, some were possibly false life goes on but in the end you're just going to look silly if you continue to bicker over nothing.
Again LK you're full of yourself and full of stereotypes about dogs. Again please use some facts and stop arguing B.S. Nobody has to wash a cat? Tell those stray cats down the street that.
Those picts of the cats and dogs in this thread look so innocent. Especially the dog wearing the sweater and just pondering to himself. Cutesy wootsy (is that even a word? oh well).
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